CIN - U74899DL1999PLC098274

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NOTICE INVITING EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR “Supply, Installation & Commissioning of package Sewage Treatment plants to handle total dometic sewage of 325 cum/day”

REF. : NSPCL/Bhi lai/EOI-1 Date: 19.07.2011
NTPC-SAIL Power Co. Pvt . Ltd. a Joint Venture Company of NTPC Ltd. & Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) is having 2x250 MW Expansion Power Plant in Bhilai , District Durg of Chattisgarh State.

The up coming township for Expansion of Bhilai Power Project (2x250 MW) is located at Ruabandha in Durg District of Chattisgarh State and is contiguous to Bhilai Steel Plant (SAIL) Township. The site is approachable from G.E. road (NH- 6). The nearest railway station is Durg at a distance of 5 KM on the Mumbai - Howrah main line. The nearest commercial airport Raipur is at a distance of 35Kms from the site.
Compact and packaged sewerage t reatment and recycle plant (STRP) is requi red to be instal led for treatment of total domestic sewage of NSPCL Township at Ruabandha, Bhilai.

The Township consists of around 300 family quarters, VIP guest house (6 Rooms), Field hostel (32 Rooms) Recreat ion centre and shopping complex etc.

STRP should for recycle sewage aesthet i cal ly packaged into a skid mounted system. it should contain bioreactor , settler , treated water tank, hypochlorite dos ing system, treated water tank, multi grade filter, polishingfilter, equipment room ( fort reated water pump, air blowers , flow meter , piping plumbing, ins trumentation etc.) , backwash water tank, sludge dewater ing system and control panel in packaged and canopy type arrangement .
Only underground collection unit for raw sewagein civil is in buyerss cope.
Raw Sewage is of domestic type. It consists of was te f rom water closets, kitchen and bathrooms. This domestic type sewage al so includes the waste from other non- residential building. Following sewage characteristics shall be considered for designing the Sewage Treatment Plant .
A. Flow                               325 cum/day
B. pH.                                 7.5-8.5
C. BOD                               250-400 Mg/L
D. Suspended Solids            200-450 Mg/L
E. COD                               600-800 Mg/L
F. Oi l & Grease                   50 Mg/L
Effluent discharge standard after treatment
PH -6.6-8.5 .
BOD - Less than 20Mg/L
S. Solids - Less than lOMg/L
COD - Less than 60Mg/L
Oi l & Grease - Less than 5Mg/L
Residual Chlorine - 0.5ppm after break point
Outdoor installat ion:
The STP shal l be sel f contained so as to instal l outdoors wi thout need for weather shed.
The STP units should be relocatable in case of need to change operational site.
Supply, installation, commissioning of Package/Modular sewerage treatment and Recycle plant at NSPCL Township in Ruabandha including design, Engineer ing and preparat ion of detail drawings (as per requirement ) for all structural, Mechanical, Electrical, Chemical equipments including Pumps, Motors, level switches, MCC etc. The modular plant wi l l be ins tal led on a R.C.C pit (around lOMx5 M) in which all the sewerage will be finally collected from all direction of Township. This R.CC pit and all incoming sewage pipes are under the scope of an existing contract.
The STP shall comprise of stainless steel bar screen, Sewage Equalization Tank & Pump house, Grit chambers, Oil & Grease chamber, Bio-film reactor/Aeration tank, complete Diffused Aerat ion system including Blowers , Secondary clarifiers, sludge/return sludge filtrate pumps, secondary setting tank, sludge holding tank, treated watertank, multi grade sand Filter (MGF), Act ivated Carbon f i l ter (ACF) , laboratory cum admini st rat ive of f i ce, MCC room, chlor inat ion ar rangement for f inal ef f luent along wi th contact tank and s ludge drying beds. The treated water af ter chlor ination shal l be pumped for horticul ture purpose. The horticulture ring is covered under separate scope of work, however the pipel ine along with necessary flange / valve shall be provided up to the battery limit / fence of the STP area.
The detailed scope of work and specifications shall be developed on the basis of the capabilities of the interested potential suppliers.
Prospective Indian manufacturer / Agencies / Contractors should submit the following in their EOI documents:
  1. Experience details like copy of P.O. / Let ter of award including detail scope of work related to package / modular type domestic sewage treatment plantsins talled.
  2. For financial capabilities, parties to submit last three years financial statements.
Failure to provide the requisite submittal smay limit a prospective manufacturer /Agencies / Contractor ’ sability in being a viable candidate for future Request for Proposal .
Please note that this is not a Request for Proposal, it is the intent of this notice inviting expression of interest to develop a representative list of qualified prospective manufacturer / Agencies / Contractors that can and will provide all submittal requirements identified within this EOI , as wel l as possess the interest, the resources , and capabi l i t ies to cooperatively and successfully perform the required tasks.
If any clarifications or information is required, parties can contact at given contact details. Companies /Fi rms interes ted in participating in this EOI are requested to submit their Expressions of Interest in sealed envelops with required details by 1500 hrs, 09.08.2011, to the address ment ioned below:
Address for Communicat ion:

NTPC-SAIL Power Company Private Limited,
Expansion site, Near Purena Village
P.O. : Bhilai (East), Chhattisgarh,
Pin : 490021, Tel.: 0788- 2282446 & 6532306,
Fax : 0788-2228651
e-mail address: