CIN - U74899DL1999PLC098274

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C&M Department

Notice Inviting Tender

NIT No. NSPCL/DGP/ C&M/02/2011 Dt. 03.06.2011

NSPCL, a joint venture of NTPC & SAIL, which has  acquired Captive Power Plant of SAIL, at Durgapur, invites applications from the eligible parties / agencies for the following works & supplies. The detailed Scope of Work/Supplies & Tech. Specifications etc. are given in the Tender Documents.



Pkg No.


Description of Work /Materials


Estimated Cost   (Rs. Lacs )

EMD (Rs.)

Cost of Tender Paper /Last date of receipt of application for issue of Tender Paper.

Last date of  Sale of Tender Document


BOD of Technical Bid


Coal transportation from DSP Coal Bed / other site  to NSPCL  Coal Yard.









Supply , Installation & Commissioning of Station Battery Set for Unit-II








Procurement of six sets of grinding balls & grinding rings.







The tender documents shall be issued to all the prospective bidders upon their depositing the requisite tender fees as mentioned above without prima-facie examining the qualification status. The tender committee shall examine the status of qualifying requirements of the bidder only during process of evaluation.

Tender documents shall be issued to all bidders on payment of tender fees by demand draft as mentioned above for each package favouring “NTPC-SAIL Power Company (P) Ltd.” Payable at Durgapur (W.B.).

Tender documents can also be downloaded after remittance of tender fees as per directions of NTPC websites by visiting ,  or bidders may correspond to Dy. General Manager (C&M) at FAX No.: 0343-2549819 , E-mail : and Phone No. 0343-2549810  to 13 extn. 310 and 0343-2005085.

All eligible SSI units registered with NSIC or SSIDC shall be exempted from payment of Tender Document Fees as well as EMD.

Bidders can view abridged NIT and qualifying requirements by visiting

Last date of receipt  of request is as mentioned above.

Dy. General Manager ( C & M )
Qualifying Requirements
Package  Name :
Coal Transportation from DSP Coal Bed / other site to NSPCL Coal Yard.
Package No.   :
CS/ 11010
Completion Period :
18 ( Eighteen) Months.
1. Average Annual Turnover :

The Average Annual Turnover of the bidder in the preceding three financial years  as on the date of  opening of Technical Bid shall not be less than Rs.127 lakhs. Agency has to submit audited result of the last three preceding financial years or statement certified by a practicing Chartered Accountant.


Experience :-


The bidder must have the experience of execution of similar work like transportation of coal or  earth or ash or boulder or  slag or ore, in the past in any of following type of organisations : SEBs / NTPC units / other Central or State PSUs / Govt. organization/ Autonomous Institution like DVC /  Joint Venture of PSUs.

As proof of above, the bidder  should submit copy/copies of such Work Order(s) placed during immediately preceding 07 (seven) years from the date of opening of technical bid,  the value of  which should be in line with the following :-

Single order of value Rs. 152 Lakhs    or
Two orders of value Rs.  95  Lakhs each  or
Three orders of value Rs. 76  Lakhs each.
(b) The bidder should have capacity to transport a minimum of 2300 MT of such materials on any single day. The bidder should submit some document as proof,  like copy of measurement book or certification from E.I.C. or weighment record.

Completion of Work :

  As a proof of completion of work, the bidder should submit any one of the following:-
Satisfactory completion certificate of the related work from their customer  or
The Final Bill copy, payment of which has been received by the bidder from their  customer   or copy of measurement book which indicates completion of work.
Any protocol signed jointly with the customer and the bidder after completion of the work.
Qualifying Requirements
Package  Name :
Supply, installation and commissioning of Station Battery Set.
Package No.   :
CS/ 10173
Completion Period :
Six ( 6 )  Months.

Average Annual Turnover :


The Average Annual Turnover of the bidder in the preceding three financial years  as on the date of opening of technical bid shall not be less than Rs.71.35 lakhs. Agency has to submit audited result of the last three preceding financial years or statement certified by a practicing Chartered Accountant.

2. Experience :-
The bidders must have the experience of designing, manufacturing, supplying,  testing & commissioning of high discharge ( min. 1100AH ) type tubular station batteries at least 110 cells  in transparent container in any  Power Plant / Establishment   of SEBs /NTPC / other Central / State PSUs,  Govt. organization, Autonomous Institution like DVC, Joint Venture of PSU etc. They should submit copy/copies of such Work Order(s) placed  during immediately preceding 07 (seven) years from the date of opening of technical bid, the value of  which should be in line with the following :-
Single order of value Rs. 28.55 Lakhs    or
Two orders of value Rs.   17.85 Lakhs each  or
Three orders of value Rs. 14.30 Lakhs each.


Completion of Supply & Commissioning.
As a proof of completion of work, the bidder should submit any one of the following:-
(d) Satisfactory completion certificate of the related work from their customer  or
(e) The Final Bill copy, payment of which has been received by the bidder from their customer   or
(f) Any protocol signed jointly with the customer and the bidder after completion of the work.

Qualifying Requirement

Package  Name :
Procurement of 6 Sets of Balls & Grinding Rings
Package No.   :

The Bidder should meet Qualifying Requirement (QR) stipulated hereunder along with notes.

Average Annual Turnover of the bidder in the preceding three (3) financial years from the date of  bid opening shall  not be less than Rs.630 Lakh.
The bidder should have successfully executed, during preceding two years (2)  from the date of bid opening, the supply of Grinding Balls & Grinding Rings for Coal Mills to a  power utility having generation capacity of at least 2 x 60 MW  as per the following.
(a) Single supply order having value not less than Rs.252 Lakh
(b) Two supply orders having value not less than Rs.157 Lakh each
(c) Three supply orders having value not less than Rs.126 Lakh each
The bidder must have supplied at least 2 sets of grinding balls & grinding rings manufactured from the materials offered by the bidder in his bid which have satisfactorily run, in coal mill of any power utility having generation capacity of at least 2 x 60 MW, at least for a period of 8000 hours from the from the date of commissioning  of the same.

Notes :

For QR no.1.0, the bidder shall submit the Audited Balance sheets and Profit & Loss account for the specified period. In case where Audited  results for the last preceding FY are not available, certificate of financial statements from a practicing chartered accountant shall also be considered acceptable. Other income shall not be considered for arriving at annual turnover.
For QR no. 2.0, the bidder must submit documentary evidence is support of meeting the QR like copy of supply completion certificate from client / Stores Receipt Voucher (SRV) protocol jointly signed by purchaser & suppler , Purchase Order towards satisfactory completion of supply. The word ‘executed’ shall  mean the value mentioned in the QR for supply completed even if the total purchase order (s) is not completed  / closed.
iii) For QR no.3.0 the bidder must submit a certificate of satisfactory running of set of grinding balls & grinding rings from the client to whom they have supplied the same. Both the top and bottom rings along with  the balls are to be construed as one (1) set..